Diabulimia is when someone with Type 1 Diabetes restricts or even stops taking their insulin to control their weight. Without the Insulin, glucose levels will build up in the blood. This then means that calories taken from eating are passed straight through the body.

Diabulimia merges the words 'Diabetes' and 'Bulimia'

Diabulimia is very dangerous. Those who restrict their insulin over time have a shorter life expectancy as well as many other complications.

Diabetics are risking blindness, infertility, organ failure and diabetic ketoacidosis. Diabetic ketoacidosis, when left untreated, can be life-threatening. It is estimated that 400,000 people suffer from Diabulimia. Not only that but up to 40 percent of 15 to 30-year-olds with type 1 diabetes are not giving themselves enough insulin.

However, Diabulimia is still not classed as a mental illness. How can the most dangerous eating disorder not be classed as a mental illness?

Because it's not classed as a mental illness it makes it difficult to get help. Diabetics with eating disorders are trying to get it re-categorised so all eating disorders are treated the same.

More than twice as many women with type 1 diabetes will develop an eating disorder compared to the general population.

Diabulimia is starting to get more recognition. King's College London has opened a new unit where both psychiatrists and diabetes experts will work together to treat diabulimics together, to give the best possible care.

To raise awareness BBC three made a documentary following three Diabulimia sufferers and their journey to find the treatment that they need. Hopefully, more documentaries and information will start being produced more often so that more and more people know about Diabulimia and the effects it can have.

Diabulimia Treatment

Diabetes units are becoming more familiar with Diabulimia as well as GP's and eating disorder specialists.There are now specific recovery programmes in the UK with specialist teams to treat those with Diabulimia.

The Diabetics with Eating Disorders charity was set up to specifically help those with Diabulimia and diabetics with other eating disorders. On the website, you can get specialist information as well as online support where people can talk to others who are going through the same issues.

Diabetes Uk provides a helpline to call, which has trained professionals to help and listen.