People's Vote campaigners have today rallied together in Edinburgh in another bid to pile more pressure on Theresa May's government ahead of integral negotiations between the EU and the United Kingdom which will commence after the UK government's summer recess.

The People's Vote group have grown in power recently

As public faith in Theresa May's ability to deliver a good Brexit deal for Britain has declined, the influence of the People's Vote group has increased.

People's Vote supporters gathered in Edinburgh's Festival Square to collectively call on the government to give the British people a final say on the Brexit deal.

In the past, People's Vote have branded Brexit a 'mess' and condemned the Conservative's handling of the negotiation process. The Remain-supporting activists have argued that the final contents of the UK's agreement with the EU should not be decided by a few hundred MPs in Westminster who cannot be relied on necessarily to represent the view of the people.

People's Vote spokespeople took the opportunity to criticise the government's performance during the Brexit negotiating period.

Broadcaster Gavin Esler was especially outspoken, branding the Conservative team of officials "the most incompetent bunch of politicians in my lifetime" who could not be trusted to deliver an agreement which benefits the United Kingdom.

The significance of the Scottish gathering

The majority of the electorate in Scotland did not vote to Leave the EU, and there has been growing anger across the country that they will be forced to leave the EU against their will alongside the rest of the United Kingdom.

The chair of the European Movement, Vanessa Glynn in Scotland, was also at the event and spoke passionately about how Brexit would negatively impact "Scottish jobs, businesses, farmers and public services." Glynn stated that a second Brexit referendum should be put to the public, who could then denounce the deal if they believed it would be harmful to the British economy.

Estimates have judged that there were around 1,000 campaigners at the event in Edinburgh, showing that appetite for a second vote is strong whereas trust in the UK government is at a low.

The People's Vote group are particularly concerned about the possibility of a no-deal Brexit in which the UK would crash out of the EU without agreements having being settled on trade as well as other areas. People at the rally held-up banners demanding that the government should "Let the people choose"; a sentiment which is growing stronger in many parts of the UK.