The superhero movie “Morbius” and the latest instalment in the “Ghostbusters” Film franchise are among the latest films to see their release dates postponed, amid the fallout from the Coronavirus pandemic which is continuing to impact Sony Pictures’ and other studios’ major film plans in 2020. As the world looks ahead to potentially brighter times when the entertainment industry can return to something like normality, the leading Hollywood studio has followed the example of others for now by shelving the launch of as many as seven eagerly- anticipated films it had in the pipeline.
'Morbius' release deferred to 2021
Among the leading projects that will now see their initial bow deferred into 2021 is Sony’s collaboration with Marvel on the superhero vampire flick “Morbius”, featuring Jared Leto (“Blade Runner 2049”), former Dr Who star Matt Smith (as Morbius’ nemesis ‘Hunger’) and American model Adria Arjona. Leto stars as the lead character, Michael Morbius, a biochemist who whilst seeking a cure for a rare blood disease disorder finds his experimentation going horribly wrong, as he unexpectedly infects himself with a form of vampirism as an unexpected consequence instead.
Taking on the challenge of channelling his superhuman powers towards heroic ventures, Morbius has a thirst for blood a la ‘Blade’ and similar to the character that Wesley Snipes’ brought to life on screen, he also isn’t limited by the usual vampire weaknesses.
“Morbius” is based on a Marvel Comics’ character by the same name and is now scheduled for general release in March 2021, having initially been pencilled in for a late July 2020 debut.
'Ghostbusters: Afterlife' also impacted
Similarly, Sony had also expected to showcase “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” this summer, but that too has now moved back to March 2021, reflecting an extended period of lockdown across the world due to the global Coronavirus outbreak and the necessary limitations on the population’s movements, as social distancing guidelines are adhered to.
The latest “Ghostbusters” outing has been referred to under several alternative titles in different markets, including “Ghostbusters: Legacy” and “Ghostbusters: From Beyond”, and represents the fourth film in the hugely- popular franchise.
Starring Paul Rudd (Ant-Man in “Avengers: Endgame”) alongside Carrie Coon as Callie Spengler, plus teen stars Mckenna Grace and Finn Wolfhard, the supernatural comedy film moves the action on thirty years from “Ghostbusters II”. The next generation movie plot explores how a family learn of their links to the original Ghostbusters’ team amidst a series of unexplained earthquakes after they move to a farm inherited from their late grandfather in a small town in Oklahoma.
Other film release deferrals
Other major films that have had to be re-jigged from their original planned release dates by Sony include the Tom Hanks’ World War II vehicle “Greyhound” and “Fatherhood” starring Kevin Hart. As the rumour mill around its title and subject continues to speculate, Sony has an additional yet to be named film that will represent another collaboration with Marvel, which has also had its release date moved back from October 2021 to an as of yet unspecified date.