S S Rajamouli's Bahubali 2 is creating a sensation at the worldwide box office by grossing Rs 782.03 crores by the end of its 6 days run. The film surpassed Dangal lifetime collections of Rs 745 crores to become second highest grossing Indian movie at the ticket window. It still needs to collect Rs 10 more crores to surpass aamir khan's 'PK' lifetime collection of Rs 792 crores and most probably the film will cross PK collections by today (7 days).
let's check movie collections in its 6 days below.
Bahubali 2 India collections till now in six days
The movie grossed Rs 13.5 crores at the AP/TS box office on Wednesday, taking the total collection to Rs 155 crores gross in Telugu states Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
While the film grossed close to Rs 55 crores and Rs 59 crores from the Tamilnadu and Karnataka markets in its six days run. On the other hand, Kerela is unstoppable, the film grossed Rs 5.2 crores on the 6th day, taking total six days collection to Rs 34.8 crores.
From the Bollywood markets in Hindi version, Prabhas's magnum opus grossed Rs 312.55 crores with a nett amount of Rs223.25crores.
The total six days box office revenue of Bahubali 2 in India grossed Rs 616.35 crores.
Movie's overseas six days collection
From the USA, the film grossed $12.8 million in its six days run, where it grossed close to $520k on Wednesday.
In the rest of the world, Rajamouli's fantasy revenge drama grossed close to Rs 84 crores by the end of its 6 days run.
The total overseas collections of Bahubali 2 in six days grossed Rs 166 crores.
Total 6 days WW collection
Overall, Prabhas - S S Rajamouli's second part of Baahubali titled as 'Baahubali: The Conclusion' grossed Rs 782.35 crores worldwide in its six days run.