Bahubali 2 14 Days/14th day box office collection: - S S Rajamouli's Bahubali 2 grossed Rs 1200-crore mark by the end its second week run at the worldwide markets. The film also remained as All-Time Industry hit in Telugu, Hindi, Kannada languages until now and second biggest grosser in Tamil and Malayalam languages. In India alone, Prabhas's fantasy drama grossed Rs 1000-crore mark which is an unbelievable feat for the second installment of Bahubali movie. let's check the collections below.
Bahubali 2 two weeks India box office collection
The movie raked Rs 4.17 crores in the Telugu states Andhra Pradesh and Telangana on second Thursday, taking total two weeks collection to Rs 160.23 crores with a gross amount close to Rs 230 crores
While Prabhas's magnum opus grossed Rs 95 crores approximately at the Tamilnadu box office and heading towards Rs 100-crore mark by the end of its third weekend.
In the Karnataka and Kerela, the film grossed Rs 85.5 crores and Rs 49.5 crores at the ticket window in its 14 days run.
For the Hindi version in rest of the India, the movie minted Rs 12.25 crores on the 14th day of its release, taking the total collection to Rs 390.25 crores with a gross amount of Rs 546.35 crores.
On the whole, S S Rajamouli - Prabhas's 'Baahubali: The Conclusion' grossed Rs 1004.85 crores approximately from the Indian markets by the end of its second-week run.
When even Bollywood films are struggling to score Rs 1000 crores at the worldwide box office in their lifetime run, it is great to see Bahubali 2 grossing Rs 1000 crores from the India markets alone, which shows the phenomenal success of the film at the domestic markets
Overseas collection in two weeks
In the USA, the movie minted $172k on second Thursday, taking the total collection to $17.6 million.
On the other hand, the film grossed close to Rs 97.5 crores approximately from the rest of the world.
In its 14 days run, Bahubali 2 grossed close to Rs 210.7 crores from the International markets.
Total two weeks worldwide collection
After the end of its second week run at the worldwide box office, S S Rajamouli's India's biggest blockbuster 'Baahubali: The Conclusion' grossed Rs 1215.55 crores, where it minted a distributor share amount close to Rs 613.46 crores.
Prabhas's Bahubali 2 now minted more than double the share amount of previous India's best 'Baahubali: The Beginning', which minted a distributor share amount of Rs 302 crores in its lifetime run.