This Friday, Vijay Sethupathi's 'Kavan' and Nayanthara's 'Dora' clashed at the Tamil Box Office. Vijay Sethupath's 'Kavan' directed by K V Anand opened up with good response from the critics and the general public. On the other hand, Nayanthara's 'Dora' directed by Doss Ramasamy received mixed reviews from the critics and the general public. Based on the talk, 'Kavan' dominated the Tamil box office on Friday and Saturday minting better revenues than Nayanthara's 'Dora'.
let's check two days collections of both the films below.
'Kavan' two days collections
The film minted Rs 3.1 crores gross on the first day of its release at the Tamilnadu. The second-day collection was better than the first day as it minted close to Rs 4.2 crores on Saturday taking its total two days collection to Rs 7.3 crores gross. As the film was exempted from the Tax, the gross amount is equal to nett and the share amount is close to Rs 5.3 crores.
This is a good start for Vijay Sethupathi's movie at the box office and the Sunday numbers too will be good for the movie due to good word of the mouth.
On the other hand, the movie performed well at the USA box office by minting $41k on Saturday which was bigger than Friday ($32k) and Premiere ($9k). The total collections of the film in the USA till Saturday are $82k.
'Dora' 2 days collections in Ap/Tg and Tamilnadu
After minting Rs 1.3 crores gross on Friday at the Tamilnadu box office, Nayanthara's revenge drama minted Rs 80 lakhs on the second day taking the total two days collection to Rs 2.1 crores gross. The share amount will be close to Rs 90 lakhs.
In the Two Telugu states Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, the movie collected Rs 31 lakhs on its opening day and the second day collections were estimated to be around Rs 30 lakhs. The total 2 days Ap/Tg collection of 'Dora' is Rs 61 lakhs.
Thus 'Dora' has a moderate start at the ticket window in Tamilnadu and Ap/Tg box office.
However, let's wait and see how both the films perform at the box office in their forthcoming days.