The Film industry has had to deal with a number of tragic deaths recently with notable figures such as Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds and John Hurt all passing away to the dismay and heartbreak of film lovers across the world. 2016 was a year where many adored celebrities died and 2017 has unfortunately continued that streak. Sadly, beloved actor Bill Paxton has died at the age of 61 as a result of suffering complications after surgery.

This death has shocked many people within the film industry.

The Early Life of Bill Paxton

Bill Paxton was born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas and, at the age of 8, was pictured in the crowd when President John F. Kennedy emerged from his hotel on the morning of his tragic assassination on November 22, 1963. Even as a child, Bill Paxton had written himself into the history books but it would be his career in film and TV that would make him a household name.

Game Over Man, Game Over!

His earliest roles include renowned films such as The Terminator (1984), Aliens (1986) and Predator 2 (1990). In fact, he has the honour of being the only actor to play characters who were confronted and killed by a Terminator, a Xenomorph and a Predator.

The Terminator and Aliens were both directed by James Cameron and Cameron would use Bill Paxton in future films such as True Lies (1994) and Titanic (1997) and Titanic was, at the time of its release, the highest-grossing film of all time. Paxton would also have prominent roles in Tombstone (1993), Apollo 13 (1995), Twister (1996) and Edge of Tomorrow (2014).

Television further cemented Paxton's legacy

He also had an impact in the world of television for his lead role in HBO’s Big Love (2006-11) which received critical acclaim and he also had a recurring role in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014). We can see that Bill Paxton appeared in films and television shows that many people love which makes his unexpected passing all the more heartbreaking. He is survived by his wife Louise Newbury and two children, James and Lydia Paxton.