'Raees' 3 days (third day) collections worldwide box office:- Shah Rukh Khan's 'Raees' 3 days collections at total worldwide box office will be reported here. The 3 days collections of 'Raees' at worldwide box office grossed Rs 100 crores and it is one of the fastest movie in Bollywood to gross Rs 100 crores mark in three days itself at the ticket window. Before checking the third day collections of 'Raees', let's check the movie collection for two days. The movie minted Rs 47 crores nett at the Indian box office in its 2 days run and the gross amount is close to Rs 66 crores.
On the other hand, the overseas collections of the movie are close to $2.8 to $3.4 million. Overall, the film minted close to Rs 87 crores gross for two days at the ticket window. let's check 3 days collections below.
'Raees' movie 3 days collection in India
The movie performed extremely well at the ticket window on third day of its release. It collected close to Rs 23 crores nett in the Indian markets on third day. The total 3 days collections of 'Raees' at the Indian box office are close to Rs 60 crores nett and the gross amount is close to Rs 85 crores.
This is superb star for the movie at the Indian markets and it is heading towards Rs 100 crore club in Indian alone in a few more days.
'Raees' three days overseas collection
The film has performed extremely well at the overseas markets as well in its 3 days run. It minted close to Rs 30 crores from the International markets which is a decent amount for the movie at the ticket window.
'Raees' total three days collection worldwide box office
The total three days collection of 'Raees' movie grossed Rs 117 crores (India +Overseas).
Going by the trend, the movie can easily mint another Rs 60 crores gross on Saturday and Sunday taking the total 1st weekend collections above Rs 180 crores gross.
After several releases, 'Raees' is going to be one of the best movies of Shah Rukh Khan's at the ticket window. So let's wait and see how the movie performs in its forthcoming days.