Legendary Indian actor Om Puri passed away on January 06, 2016, due to a massive heart attack in Mumbai. He was aged 66. As per reports, the actor suffered a massive heart attack on Friday morning, and this is believed to be the cause of death. Puri's wife Nandita Puri too confirmed this news.

Puri had returned from the evening shoot and his driver informed the Police after the doorbell went unanswered.

Illustrious career of 45 years

Om Puri, along with Nazurudeen Shah, Shabana Azmi, and Smita Patil has played a crucial role in shaping parallel new wave cinema in India.

After debuting through the Marathi film 'Ghashiram Kotwal' in 1972, Puri soon rose to fame with his subtle acting. In an acting career which lasted for more than 45 years, the actor won two National Awards and was honored with the Padma Shri award in 1990.

The "Arda Sathya" actor's last Indian movie to hit the screens was Malayalam flick "Aadupuliyaattam". In this movie, the actor enacted the role of a saint which got him critical acclaim.

Recently, Puri made his Pakistani acting debut through the film "Actor in Law".

Bollywood in complete shock

The news of Puri's death has pulled the whole Indian film industry to a state of shock. Many celebrities including Mahesh Bhatt, Boman Irani, Neha Dhupia and Karan Johar took their official social media page and conveyed their condolences.

He was born in Haryana to a middle-class Punjabi family. In many interviews, the actor has told that he did not have an own home during his childhood days. He used to tell that it was the passion towards acting which took him to this level. Puri learned acting from the Film and Television Institute of India as well as National School of Drama.

Om Puri's memorable acting

Celebs and VIP's convey their condolence on Twitter

During his career, the actor maintained a healthy balance between commercial and parallel movies. He also found time in doing theater activities.

At this sad moment, we hereby convey our deepest condolences to the legendary actor's family members.