Twentieth Century Fox has announced the release dates for several new films, as well as some rescheduling for others, this past Wednesday. These include several films based on what rights they have to Marvel comic book properties, as well as projects involving Matthew Vaughn (Kick-Ass, X-Men First Class), James Cameron and his production company, Lightstorm Entertainment, and the latest 'Alien' Film from Ridley Scott.

What Marvel films?

An untitled Marvel movie was slotted in for November 2, 2018, meaning it will be competing against Disney’s live-action adaptation of 'Mulan', as well as an untitled Paramount film. A second unnamed Marvel film was given the date of February 14, 2019. As for older titles, another untitled Marvel movie was pulled from the October 6 date, while two other Marvel movies are penciled in on the release calendar for March 2, 2018 and June 29, 2018, both also unnamed. These could be new 'X Men' movies (such as spinoffs and follow ups to 'X-Men Apocalypse'), 'deadpool' sequels (David Leitch having replaced Tim Miller as director) and even their long gestating 'Gambit' film with Channing Tatum (even with the loss of its director, Doug Liman).

Fox also has the rights to 'Fantastic Four', though after the dismal critical and commercial reception of the 2015 reboot, it's unlikely a sequel or other related film is being made.

Besides Marvel, what else?

Fox announced other projects, such as a date for a film from James Cameron’s Lightstorm Entertainment, set for December 21, 2018. While not confirmed, it is speculated to be Cameron’s long awaited sequel to his 2009 trendsetter, 'Avatar' (Interestingly, the first “Avatar” debuted on the same December week.) Meanwhile, on the note of sequels, Ridley Scott’s 'Alien Covenant', the follow up to his pseudo-prequel 'Prometheus' from 2012, was bumped up several months, moving its release date from August 4 to May 19, 2017. Another hot anticipated sequel, Matthew Vaughn's 'Kingsman: The Golden Circle,' was shifted from its previous release date, June 16, 2017, back four months to October 6, 2017.