Marcio Novelli knows a thing or two about songwriting. From his radiant voice to the lyrics in his songs, he belts out emotion with each and every note and word. It would be difficult to not hear the raw emotion in his Music, especially since what he sings tends to reflect his own life and feelings. One thing that will really grab your attention is that Marcio plays virtually every instrument heard on his albums himself.

He is one of the most talented newer artists to hit the stage. I have been a Marcio Novelli fan for a few years now, and I wanted to bring his music and his life to the attention of our readers. Once you sit back and listen to the music, I have no doubt that you too will become some of his biggest fans! Be sure to check your local venues to see if he may have a show near you soon. Maricio Novelli is not just a musician at all. He is a husband and father, film maker and actor as well. He started acting as a child and his life has progressed in amazing ways ever since. This is one man who has taken life by the horns and truly knows how to enjoy it!

He is beginning a Canadian tour later this year and we here in the States can only hope that he will be here next! I want to thank Marcio for letting us in to his personal world if even for just a moment. As for me, it is time to have a nice cup of coffee and listen to Marcio Novelli as he sings "Doctor Please." I can't think of a better way to get the day started!

As for you all here is your chance to get to know music sensation Marcio Novelli a little better!

Angela: How long have you been in the music business?

Marcio: That's a tough one to answer because it's been a gradual progression. I wrote my first poem at age seven and I was writing several songs a week by the time I was thirteen years of age.

This was a very formative time for me as a songwriter. I was a complete outcast at school. I had zero friends and was picked on a lot. Teaching myself to play guitar, sing and write songs was what I spent every waking moment doing when I wasn't at school. It was my refuge. I couldn't wait to get home so I could put all of my emotions into words and music.

As the years went on, I kept writing constantly. I started dating my wife when we were just fifteen and she was someone who listened to every song I wrote. I'm sure they were terrible but she really gave me the confidence to keep writing and this helped me get better and better. The more you write, the better you get... At least in the initial stages of developing any form of writing.

It's all about finding your voice. At such a young age, I was more a reflection of the artists I listened to rather than a true mirror of myself.

I joined my first real band in grade 11 called Article Nineteen. At the time, I didn't see myself as a solo artist and really wanted to collaborate with other musicians. As a matter of fact, I didn't think it was possible to develop a following as a solo artist with a largely rock influenced sound. The band last for four years and ended around the same time I was no longer a teenager. In retrospect, it was very symbolic as the end of an era of my life and the beginning of something new.

I started building a following on myspace circa 2005 with my solo project under the now defunct pseudonym Euphoria's Depression.

I released my first official solo EP called "The Overture" in 2006 then dropped the moniker in favor of my birth given name for my second solo EP called "Break Me" in 2009 which went on to win the Best Pop/Rock Recording of the Year at the 2009 Hamilton Music Awards.

Finally, in late 2011, I recorded my debut full length album It's Not an Excuse, It's a Reason and released it digitally a year later. The first physical pressing of the album came out in late 2013 and included a DVD with Walking Proof: The Making of It's Not An Excuse, It's a Reason and has actually recently been nominated for an Independent Music Award.

So, I guess it's been a long trek forward into the world of music and the music industry in particular.

I'm still a true independent artist and, although it's not easy, it's also a very gratifying feeling to know that I've done this all myself.

Angela: What's the first song you can remember ever listening to?

Marcio: Great question! There are a few. One of the first songs I remember hearing and really loving is "Chapel of Love" by The Dixie Cups. Another would be "Cecilia" by Simon & Garfunkel. Both great songs.

Angela: What's your favorite song or album by another artist?

Marcio: My favorite album of all time is probably AFI's "Sing the Sorrow" but there are a few incredibly close contenders including "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness" by Smashing Pumpkins, "Dookie" by Green Day, "Full Collapse" by Thursday and "Nevermind" by Nirvana.

Angela: Which songs of your own are you the most proud of and why?

Marcio: Well, it's been over two years since I recorded "Doctor, Please" and I still get the same rush when I listen to it so I guess that's a good sign that it's a keeper! I also really like how "Remember, Love" turned out and it's a reminder that love constantly changes and evolves over time so it's a song that I will always be able to relate to.

Angela: Are you currently on tour?

Marcio: I am currently booking tour dates across Canada for later this year. I'm also hoping to play the US and UK sooner than later so keep your fingers crossed for me!

Angela: How many albums (cd's) do you have out?

Marcio: As a solo artist, I have released 2 EP's and 1 full length album to date.

Angela: Are you married and is it tough to maintain a marriage when you travel in this business?

Marcio: I have been married for four years to Chelsea whom I started dating fourteen years ago. We were fifteen and it's been one wild ride! She's been there every step of the way so she knows what to expect. We are each other's backbones. She has supported me from day one and I am so grateful for that.

Angela: What would you be doing right now if you weren't a musician?

Marcio: I consider myself a storyteller so, if I weren't a songwriter, I'd be writing in some other medium which is something I already do anyway. I directed and produced my documentary Walking Proof and have plans to do more of that in the near future.

In addition to producing every one of my albums, I also produce records for other artists, particularly solo artists. Film acting is also something I do from time to time. I have an unquenchable desire to create and express myself through art and I don't believe in ever limiting myself to just one thing.

Angela: If you could perform with any musician, living or dead, who would be that "dream musician" to be able to perform with?

Marcio: I'm going to say Dave Grohl strictly because he seems like the nicest guy in rock music.

Angela: How hard do you push yourself?

Marcio: Way too hard, seriously.

Angela: Are you currently in the studio, or will you be soon?

Marcio: I'm currently writing for my next record which I hope to record early next year.

I'm also planning to record a mostly acoustic EP featuring re-imagined versions of some of my previously released material and plan to have that out before the end of the year.

Angela: What's next for you?

Marcio: Other than putting out new music and touring the country? I've been editing together a music video for "This Song Is Not For You" consisting of videos sent in by fans singing along to the song amongst other fun things! I'm also working on a couple of side projects and enjoying the wonderful support and recognition my documentary Walking Proof has been receiving.