As an avid movie watcher who enjoys viewing new films on a daily basis I came across a movie recently that literally blew my mind because of how creative, intense and suspenseful it was. After viewing the Film I wanted to know more about the creative genius behind it and was very pleased upon introduction to Si Horrocks, the Writer and Director of Third Contact. I know how difficult it is to make a scifi movie that will not only engage viewers from beginning to end but will also make them want to see more from the Director behind the film.
Third Contact is a movie that left me spellbound and anxious to see more cinematography created by Si Horrocks. I have to admit that I am anxiously awaiting the release of his latest venture, Kosmos, when it is released. Si Horrocks is a rising star in the movie industry and I predict that soon, his films will be box office hits throughout the world. His work has made rave reviews from critics around the world. My dear readers, now that you know how well I enjoyed the film, let's see what Si Horrock's himself has to say about life, film and the future of his work.
Angela: What were some of your biggest influences while growing up?
Si Horrocks: Ah, that's an epic question. But if you mean film, going to the cinema and watching TV. I was caught up with the magic of storytelling using the moving image at a very young age and wanted to get involved. I got my first rejection letter, from the BBC, aged 7 after writing a script, illustrated, for a show I called Danger Man. They said it was too like Doctor Who, which was fair.
In general, my parents were the biggest influence on me, creatively. Although they split up, I was at an age where I was too young to be too troubled. I was about 3 or 4, young enough to just accept what you are told is going happen and trust everything will be fine. I did miss my mum a lot, as she lived so far from us at first, she wasn't able to visit so often.
Me and my brother went to the country with our father as he went about setting up an alternative life on a commune of 'craftists' - families of artists and crafts people. On the one hand, the anarchy of it was pretty troubling. On the other, the creativity we were exposed to meant I spent the rest of my childhood assuming I would have a career being creative. Exams and academia were irrelevant, why would I need grades? I was going to be an artist.
My mother, who I lived with from age 9, was also an artist, fashion designer, business woman and a relentless force. Still unstoppable now, even in her 70s. My step dad was the sanity outside my crazy family. Creatives are all a bit mad you know.
Angela: When did you first start writing?
Si Horrocks: I started creative writing at school. I used to write out the synopsis of movies I'd seen at the cinema, from a very early age. Later I started to write plays. But it wasn't until my late 20s I began screenwriting. I've always been self-taught. My neighbor showed me a screenplay he'd written. So I wrote one and sent it to Anglia TV and they accepted it.
After that, I spent many years struggling to develop the craft of writing. I had lots of raw talent, but didn't know how to shape it into something more disciplined. It took a lot of practice.
Angela: What do you consider the best thing about writing is?
Si Horrocks: The freedom of it to explore your ideas and reflect on the world, as you see it.
For me, it's a conduit for the imagination. You're only restricted by the words and combinations of words you can think up. We can inspire people with words, move them, our minds can be opened, changed, given new perspectives, insight. It's limitless.
Angela: Who have your biggest influences been when it comes to screenwriting?
Si Horrocks: Like many others, Charlie Kaufman had a big impact on me. When I saw Being John Malkovich I thought, "Oh, that's different". I could see he wasn't a slave to the rules and was still successful and accepted. Not only accepted but acclaimed.
I think as creatives, and as people in general, we are afraid if we break the rules we will be rejected by society.
We will be frowned upon, disapproved of by our friends and family, disowned. We are afraid we will disappoint everyone or hurt people close to us.
There's a risk to breaking the rules. You have to trust yourself. But if it's done for the right reasons, to allow yourself to flourish, to grow, to bloom, you will find people actually respect you for it, as you become a better person. When they see you grow and achieve things they didn't expect of you, they will accept you and more.
You will find you can actually be a better, stronger person for the people around you. If the rules restrict your growth as a human, you become a kind of slave. A slave to society. And it turns out most are secretly breaking the rules whilst pretending to approve of them, anyway.
Angela: How did you come up with the concept for Third Contact?
Si Horrocks: It started as another screenplay called The Man With The Bullet In His Brain. I'd read about the Quantum Suicide idea and just the title made me want to incorporate it into a story. This first script had some interest at the now dead UK Film Council, plus a rave review from one of their script readers.
But they didn't want to take it further. And didn't even want to encourage me as a writer. They just said go away and write some more. I'd already been writing for about 10 years so I thought, "ok, I've had enough". I realized I had to just make my own movie. So I write Third Contact using a similar concept, but pushing the scifi idea into the background, so the film could act as a kind of prequel to The Man With The Bullet In His Brain.
By doing this I discovered it made the story somehow richer and deeper and the universe of the film bigger and wider, more mysterious and puzzling - like the universe, like life.
Angela: How long have you been Directing films, and had you Directed any prior to Third Contact?
Si Horrocks: I wrote and directed a couple of unsatisfying shorts, which I didn't show publicly. Then, just before I made Third Contact, I made a little short about Quantum Suicide, in the style of one of my big influences, La Jetée. With a £200 Coolpix camera. Just me, Oliver, who plays Karl in Third Contact, and bits of old equipment from my music studio. I shot the thing in one night, edited it the next day and a week later screened it to 100 people at the Kino London.
This gave me the confidence to say, "ok, let's make a feature".
Angela: As both the Writer and Director of Third Contact what doubts, if any, did you have along the way prior to making the film?
Si Horrocks: When I first wrote the script, I was advised that it would be a waste of a great script to make it zero budget. So I spent some months trying to get producers involved and looking to raise some money.
I realized I was just feeling that fear we all feel before we take a risk and back ourselves to be able to handle it. People will mostly always advise you against taking risks, it's just natural instinct. So you have self-belief, which by then I had.
I knew I could do it, but people sowed doubts in my mind.
You look over the edge of the precipice and it looks scary. And people around you are saying "don't do it, it's too risky". So you back away. Then I thought, "ok, this is now or never" and jumped. After that, I never looked back. I was able to cope with every challenge and every situation just by staying calm and trusting my own judgment.
As a leader, people will always question your judgment. To be an effective leader, you must listen, but in the end take your own path.
Angela: Who is your favorite filmmaker?
Si Horrocks: Me, haha. I don't really have one. And too many to list.
Angela: What inspired you to become a filmmaker?
Si Horrocks: Going to the cinema as a child.
Angela: What is the best or worst thing about Directing?
Si Horrocks: Having to make all the decisions.
Angela: If you could work with any actor, who would it be and why?
Si Horrocks: Orson Welles. Just so I could watch him act and experience cinematic genius close up.
Angela: You have a new film coming out, Kosmos, can you tell us a little about this new film such as concepts and film dates?
Si Horrocks: It's a scifi mystery thriller. I'm not giving away any plot details just yet. I can tell you it's going to be webs series and we will be looking for the crowd to get involved and help make something unique. We hope to start filming early next year. We are currently casting, so please contact me on twitter for further details, if you are interested.
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