ClintEastwood’s American Sniper got six Oscar Nominations: his sniper hit the nailon the head of criticism, obviously American but I wonder if it really deservesuch a reward.
"God, Country and Family" (notnecessarily in that order), these were the values that moved the monolithicChris Kyle, played by a huge Bradley Cooper, here also the producer, who gainedweight c30kg to play the character and certainly interprets really well hiselementary nature. About God, Kyle was ready to meet him and to respond toevery single shot: spectators do not learn that much about his relationship withreligion, except for the Bible he always has with him, still something suggeststhat religious indoctrination was born and raised along with that patriotic feelingand indeed they were both two sides of the same coin.
About the family,Kyle’s relationship with his wife Taya (Sienna Miller) fails to give anyconsideration to start in thickness by the two of them and turnes out to beflat. Among the three cornerstones of his life, Eastwood’s Chris Kylehad definitelyhas the strongest relation with his glorious homeland: at least with its idealsof kindness and brotherhood, the only truth for the sniper.
Chris Kyle definedkilling "fun", something he loved: moreover the Iraqi were only the "badguys", savages whose lives were not even comparable to any American’s. Inthe mind of this soldier there was a distinction in the world, with no shades, totallyflat: black and white, good and evil, heroic USA and cowards and fanaticsIraqis; and the firm, unshakable conviction in killing people for the good ofthe better country in the world.
Kyle’s actionsare a result of a strong moral duty towards the great nation, America. Buteverything is done without critical reasoning, without complex reflections:there is only a blind obedience to the patriotic. A man in short, almostdehumanized, who, when asked about being sorry for those he had killed, repliesthat his only regret was to not save more Marines.
Despite some battle scenesof high technical level and the Oscar-winning director of photography Tom Sternwho makes really well the sandy Iraqueni landscapes, American Sniper is a Filmclosed, claustrophobic, which stays in military propaganda.
I wouldcall this a film even dangerous in its ideological platitudes, a film that canbe watched to understand the absurdity of war, but that may be an encouragementto many weak minds, victims of a radical and flat idea of homeland.