The most recent OECD Skills Outlook highlighted the skill-gap of young Britons, whilst also stirring a debate on the necessity of investments in young people who are not in employment, education or training.
The Skills Outlook 2015 report stated that many of the young people struggle in transition from school to labour market, and an overwhelming majority who manage to find Work today are not using the skills they acquired at school.
Before the elections, Conservative Party pledged to create three million apprenticeships in order to address the issue of one in eight young Britons classifying as NEET.
“Some young people are simply more suited to vocational programmes than traditional paths of education. But our current education system isn’t very accommodative to this,” says Amy Lalla of Let Me Play, an organisation running educational programmes for deprived Youth and NEETs.
In Germany, Europe’s largest economy, successful apprenticeship programmes are known to be the engines of industrial advancement.
Although considered as an ambitious plan by many, apprenticeships might form a part the part of a solution to UK’s NEET crisis.