Five unique facts about Hindi movie Uri: The Surgical Strike

URI does well at the global box-office (Image via Digitial media/Youtube screencap)
URI does well at the global box-office (Image via Digitial media/Youtube screencap)

The Film showcases the raw anger of Indian troops after the Uri terror strike.

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'Uri The Surgical Strike' Movie Review: Vicky Kaushal rocks

The film took two years in the making

It was the directorial debut of National Award Winner Aditya Dhar. He spent almost two years making the film. According to Dhar at times the crew had to face immense difficulties, but it made them realise the sufferings and tribulations faced by the Indian Jawan in his line of duty.


Role played by Dhairya was unique

The role played by Dhairya was unique since he was not a Sikh even though the character was of a Sikh soldier. To get into the feel of a Sikh soldier Dhairya stayed for two weeks in a Gurudwara.


The cast had to undergo intensive training in combat and handling guns

All the cast including Vicky Kaushal had to undergo rigorous training to fit into the roles of Para-Commandos. This included physical exercises as well as training in combat and was done under the supervision of Army Personnel.

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