Aloe vera is well known all over the world as a wonder plant as it offers a big quantity of benefits for thousands of afflictions, especially for skin conditions. According to, the plant comes from Africa but it is easy to find in different countries. The leaves contain a succulent latex that has many uses. As we already said, it is recommended especially for skin conditions such as burns, injuries and insect’s bites. This plant has been used for centuries in countries like China, India, Mexico, Japan, Greece among others. Now we will describe 5 of the most important uses that most of the people don’t know.

1) Constipation

The latex of the aloe vera has been used to induce diarrhea, and it helps as a bowels cleaner. It is important not to overuse it though, because it may lose that effect if it is used every day. The recipe consists of mixing a glass of water, some aloe, and if you want, you can add some honey. Drink it every morning for nine days.

2) Avoiding acne

Thanks to its properties, aloe vera possesses anti-inflammatory ingredients against acne, you just need to buy a soap or a body lotion that contains aloe vera, and use them twice a day: mornings and evenings, it will reduce pimples and scars.

3) Shiny hair

Thanks to the amino acids, this plant helps to improve scalp health and hair growth.

By putting some aloe in your hair once a week you will notice how it shines a lot. You can make a mask by mixing aloe vera with olive oil, and then apply the mixture to your scalp and hair. Once it is fully covered you will need a shower cap and you can go to bed with the mixture on it. In the morning wash your hair with shampoo and water.

4) Lose weight

As we all know, aloe vera has many properties one of which helps to eliminate toxins. When combined with some other plants or fruits like ginger, pineapple or strawberry we will start losing some weight gradually. It is important to start an exercise routine to complement it.

5) Stomachache

For the stomach, the benefits are found when taken as a juice.

It facilitates the absorption of the Vitamins. Mix the aloe with lemon or orange and put some water. Drink this fabulous juice whenever you have a stomachache.

Final tips

Avoid using aloe vera if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. For children younger than 10-years-old, is not recommended to use aloe.

Be careful if you have diabetes, as aloe vera may lower blood sugar levels so monitor regularly.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water during the day.

Before committing to a regimen of natural foods for health purposes, it is important to consult with your health professional.