This is virtual reality with a retro, hipster kick. Mattel and Google are joining forces to bring the iconic View-Master back to the future, giving it a virtual reality flavour of the 21st century. Coming Fall 2015 for about $29,99, the new View-Master will join forces with Google's Cardboard project - a simple virtual reality viewer made of, well, cardboard.
The original View-Master was first introduced in 1939, at New York's World Fair, and it was one of the first personal 3D experiences the public ever had access to. It worked with a round, rotary disc, used to display stereoscopic images in reels.
"By working with Google's Cardboard platform, we are now able to take that experience even further bringing the discovery and immersive viewing experience of the View-Master to the digital age", says Doug Wadleigh, senior vice president and global brand general manager of Toy Box at Mattel. The updated version of the View-Master was announced at the kickoff of Toy Fair 2015, in New York.
"Combining technology and innovation with this classic toy gives kids an enhanced experience allowing for play opportunities not yet imagined through new digitally curated content," the executive adds. Mattel is trying to regain its mojo at the Toy Fair, which runs till February 17th, after a not-so-great holiday season for Barbie and the ousting of CEO Bryan Stockton, who was replaced by Christopher Sinclair.
So how does it work? Mattel wants to provide an "immersive digital experience" for kids, using an affordable platform for educational and entertaining purposes. The toy will allow kids to explore famous places, landmarks, nature, planets… all in what Mattel calls 360 degree 'photospheres'. Now the big news here is that they will be able to pair the toy with Android smartphones and its apps.
Mike Jazayeri, product director for Google Cardboard, says this is exactly what Google was thinking when they created this project: inspiring companies like Mattel to rethink their user experience. "Many of us on the Google Cardboard team grew up playing with View-Master, so we were excited to collaborate with Mattel and to see the viewer evolve and work with Google Cardboard."
The toy will come with a sample reel, which needs to be paired with an app and smartphone in order to show a glimpse of the full View-Master experience.
If the kids then want to have a full experience reel (which they will, obviously), then the parents will have to purchase a package separately. It will retail for $14,99 and contain four different experience reels. This is where Mattel is hoping to cash in with the new venture.