A rather unusual job postingfor a ‘human paintball impact tester’ seems to have attracted far moreinterest, both domestically and globally than the company had originallyexpected, highlighting the lengths some people are willing to go to in order tosecure a top class salary. The British company who are attempting to fill theposition, UK Paintball, were staggered to receive over 10,000 applications,with would be applicants coming from as far afield as the United States, Canadaand India, besides people living in Britain. With an annual salary of around £40,000,perhaps they should have geared themselves up for the likely deluge.
Given that there can be only one lucky personwho gets the post, which essentially puts their body on the line by beingrequired to be shot at by a paintball bullet, the company will have a tough jobto sift through all of the would be employees. They will clearly need to nothave an aversion to pain, as some of the testing will be without the benefit ofprotective gear to soften the impact, prompting obvious considerationsregarding health and safety. The role requires the simulation of a variety ofpositions and activities that a paintballer could be hit while doing, such aswalking, running and even climbing.
Some of the applicationshave been received from ex- military personnel, including those used tohandling guns and other weaponry, besides one from a person who previouslyworked as an assistant to a magician where one of the tricks involved beingshot at.