Hmd Global said on Twitter that there will be no official way to Unlock the bootloader of the new-generation Nokia Phones. That tweet disappointed a lot of people and finally, one of the disappointed members posted a Tweet to the CTO, HMD Global and asked if they would be interested in providing an official method to unlock the bootloader. The tweet got a response from the HMD Global's CTO and he said that they are willing to provide the method to only 'One model' and would want to know the model which the users would be interested to unlock first.
Users respond saying which model they want unlocked first
A lot of people have now started responding to the CTO's tweet with the model number they would like to unlock first. A Bootloader is a lock which manufacturers add to the Android phones for security reasons. Unlocking the Bootloader is the first step towards installing a custom recovery and flashing the root scripts. Without an unlocked Bootloader, one can't flash ROMs, install custom recoveries and root their device.
Earlier yesterday, An official from HMD Global made it clear that all the existing new-generation Nokia devices (Nokia 8, Nokia 3, Nokia 5 and Nokia 2) would be getting the Android P update.
Even after hearing such news, a lot of people who are tech-savvy still didn't want to buy the Nokia devices because they preferred to have an unlocked bootloader over latest OS updates. A Tech site called Droidmen reports that it is not something new, Motorola announced that the Motorola G4 Plus would be eligible for the Android O update when Google didn't even launch the Android Nougat.
Planning for the new Nokia of your choice
After the response from the CTO, HMD Global, a lot of people are now planning to buy the Nokia device which would be the first to get the official bootloader unlock method. However, if your favorite Nokia isn't getting the option to unlock, you don't have to worry. In future, they might release the method for other devices too.
Also, in case they don't come up, the geeks from the XDA Forums would surely come up with a workaround. What Nokia device would you like to unlock first? I'd want the Nokia 3
If you were to buy a Nokia device, which one would you buy? The one whose bootloader could be unlocked or the ones whose bootloader couldn't be unlocked? Also, would it matter to you if the bootloader couldn't be unlocked? As a consumer, it shouldn't affect much but as a Tech-savvy person, I'd surely want to have a device which would come with an official method to be unlocked.