Year after year the cases of winter and Holiday depressions escalate. Main problem is experts still are not sure what causes this conditions, especially winter depression, and so have been unable to perfect a treatment. Holiday depression has proven to be a little less elusive and scientists know more about what causes this illness and how to treat it.
What could interest the reader is how to recognize winter and Holiday depressions as well as determine which one, if any, is affecting them. From a social point of view, the winter version of depression is more unforgiving, more difficult to detect and a little harder to treat.
Winter depression starts in fall and lasts sometimes until February or even March. During this seasons the patient has more than enough time to complicate their lives up and when the winter season is over they might not be able to fix what they broke the past 6 months. This alone is enough to cause a major clinical depression even after they overcame the original illness.
On the other hand, Holiday depression begins in December and usually ends the first days of January. This kind of depression is related with the loss of close relatives or friends in dates near to Christmas. Scientists agree that the cold seasons make older people very vulnerable to developing respiratory problems which, combined with the lack of sun-activated vitamins and possibly another form of depression can cause their demise.
This leaves a void in this people´s families. This is thought to be the main cause of people getting depressed during Christmas as they might remember those who have already left whether that be because they passed away during the cold seasons or because they used to get together during Christmas.
Even when both winter and Holiday depressions worry scientists from all around the world, Holiday depressions are less of a problem because it lasts only a few days/weeks. Winter depression can last for months and it never lasts only a few days. During that time, patients usually want to do nothing but stay in bed and things can get ugly when they neglect their families, lose their jobs and even get sick. At the first sign of depression, experts recommend people to seek help immediately.