Is there still a future for the existing model of the school?
The classical modelshould not have existed ever but it does, it was born from necessity as alesser evil and since it was implemented, nobody ever contested the viabilityof the system and no one challenged its concepts. Those that did were put inridicule, ignored or labelled as delusional and we were always lead to believethat there cannot be any realistic alternative.
The truth is that tomake a revolution, a real change in the way education and learning is providedwill need a significant shift in the way of thinking.
Some will consider itradical, and the implementation will be so difficult that it will look verydiscouraging.
Besides, as with all new complex systems it will be prone tooccasional failures, experimentation and selection of the best techniques which will all demand several years to reach the operational phase. It will also needparents whom are ready to allow their kids to participate in such a developmentfor the general good.
But with the decline and mass failings of the educationalsystems (all based on the classic model) we should ask ourselves the question:should we keep on with the same system despite its sorry state just because wewere subject to the same? Or should we give a chance to an alternative system whichmay bring some rejuvenation and application of more progressive ideas insteadof more of the same stagnation?
It is not an easy decision and I already mentioned some ofthe problems related but I do believe it is possible. Finland that isconsidered by many as the best Educational system in the world today has donethe first step towards the new school model.
Their model include less populatedclassrooms, more teacher per pupil, less overload of subjects and hours, lesstests, quizzes and homework based on a policy of trust; and of course: morefunding for teaching and learning devices.
On the other hand they are verystrict about their demands for proper qualifications from their teachers who are monitored and regularly instructed and very generously rewarded. The Finish model gives a hint of whatcan be achieved once there is the will to introduce a new vision into the educationalsystem.
The beauty of the system implemented in Finland is that itcan be implemented anywhere.
Each country can make adjustments to adapt it toits own particular set of needs. The implementation can be performed in stagesaccording to their natural possibilities and the resources available. Thechanges needed in the way of teaching and administration can be done graduallybut in a relative short time. The only real obstacle is the conservative way ofthinking that should be overcome as part of the process.