Salman Khan's Tubelight teaser is all set to be unveiled today at 8:48 pm exclusively on Star Gold and Star India Network Channels. Ahead of teaser release in few more hours, Bollywood Trade Analyst, Taran Adarsh raised curiosity on the first look video by calling the teaser as Jabardasth one on his twitter handle. He wrote "Watched the teaser of THE film... Will just say this: Kamaal karte ho... Zabardast teaser... Get ready for S-mania" on his micro-blogging platform.

As the two earlier films of Kabir Khan and Salman Khan named as 'Eka Tha Tiger' and 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan' are super hits at the box office, the expectations are huge for their third collaboration in the Tubelight movie.

So the audience is eagerly waiting for the first look teaser, which is going to release in a few more hours.

Tubelight has Chinese star Zhu Zhu in the female lead role and Sohail Khan is essaying the role of Salman Khan's brother in this movie based on Indo-China war of 1962. The film has music composed by Pritam Chakraborty and Julius Packiam and it is bankrolled by the actor and director themselves on their production banner.

Movie to release in China on June 25th

According to latest reports, the movie is all set for huge release on June 25th worldwide. As the movie is having Chinese star cast and considering huge China box office potential along with connection of the story to China made the filmmakers to eye for Chinese release after two days of release in India.

Nonetheless, let's wait for the teaser in a few more hours.